Titel (eng)

MOBRIR Rendering in puredata


Markus Zaunschirm   IEM

Beschreibung (eng)

In order to test the LISHPh MOBRIR rendering method open the MOBRIR_Rendering.pd File in puredata (http://puredata.info). Make sure to obtain the zexy and iemlib externals, install them and specify their paths (e.g. by selecting "help" and "find externals from the internet" in puredata) In the MOBRIR_Rendering patch you can listen to dynamic (variable-orientation) headphone rendering of the center loudspeaker of the IEM Production Studio from the 7 recorded/pre-rendered dummy head orientations -45°,-30°,-15°,0°,15°,30°,45°. In default of a headtracker you can use a slider to change the orientation, or the auto-rotate toggle switch. The audio signals are pre-rendered and you can choose between pink noise and a music example. When setting the crossover to phase switching to fc = 2000Hz (Default) you listen to a properly adjusted LISHPh method. When setting it to fc = 20000Hz, you essentially get broadband linear interpolation, which is clearly heard when listening to the pink noise sample. By clicking the message box with the "musicvox" example (What's trumps by Rhythmus-Sportgruppe, see https://zenodo.org/communities/dega-audiodatabase-for-virtual-acoustics/?page=1&size=20).

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o:76741 Binaural Room Impulse Responses and Demos