Titel (eng)

Supplementary material to "Acceptable Imbalance of Sound-Object Levels for Off-Center Listeners in Immersive Sound Reinforcement": Listening Experiment Data, Audio Samples, Pd-Patch, Response Data, and Analysis scripts in matlab (paper) and jupyter lab (presentation slides)


Franz Zotter   KUG/IEM

Beschreibung (eng)

Listening experiment software, samples, data, analysis scripts of the paper "Acceptable Imbalance of Sound-Object Levels for Off-Center Listeners in Immersive Sound Reinforcement" https://pub.dega-akustik.de/DAGA_2023/data/articles/000322.pdf (Zotter, Riedel, Gölles, Frank), DAGA, Hamburg, March, 2023.

Sprache des Objekts



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