Titel (eng)

MOBRIR Rendering in puredata using real-time convolution and diffuse BRIRs


Markus Zaunschirm   IEM

Beschreibung (eng)

In order to test the LISHPh MOBRIR rendering method open the MOBRIR_Rendering.pd File in puredata (http://puredata.info). Make sure to obtain the zexy, iemlib, and bsaylor externals, install them and specify their paths (e.g. by selecting "help" and "find externals from the internet" in puredata) In the MOBRIR_Rendering patch you can listen to dynamic (variable-orientation) headphone rendering of a loudspeaker at 9m in front of the dummy head, recorded in a reverberant staircase (RT=2.8s) in front of iem. BRIRs of the orientations -90°,-60°,-30°,0°,30°,60°,90° are real-time-convolved in Pd. The Pd patch is wired to simulate a back-and-forth head rotation swiping from 90 to -90 and back, periodically. The crossover of phase switching is set to fc = 2000Hz (Default) to listen to a properly adjusted LISHPh method. When setting it to fc = 20000Hz, you essentially get broadband linear interpolation. As audio example, you hear loopable segments of the piece "What's trumps" by Rhythmus-Sportgruppe, see https://zenodo.org/communities/dega-audiodatabase-for-virtual-acoustics/?page=1&size=20. Best, Franz Zotter Markus Zaunschirm

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o:76741 Binaural Room Impulse Responses and Demos